Version 2.2.2 – September 11 2024

  • Fix: fatal error on order edit page

Version 2.2.1 – September 9 2024

  • Fix: inactive products were saved as private instead of draft
  • Fix: product images upload via the app on
  • Tweak: added support for Zoho Inventory API Rate Limits for items export
  • Improved security to meet WordPress Coding Standards 2024

Version 2.2.0 – August 22 2024

  • New: support for Zoho Inventory Purchase Orders via CommerceBird app
  • New: support for GLAccounts on customer level for Exact Online
  • Tweak: renamed Cron tab name to Categories for Zoho Inventory
  • Fix: categories selection was not saving new categories
  • Fix: image import class refactored – reduced code with 70%

Version 2.1.26 – July 7 2024

  • New: ability to type woo field name for custom orders fields mapping
  • Fix: categories shown twice on cron tab
  • Fix: prevent sync of order multiple times in same minute
  • Fix: php error for getting image mime type

Version 2.1.25 – July 2 2024

  • New: webhook sync Items and Stock change for Exact Online
  • Fix: manage stock disabling overwritten by cron

Version 2.1.24 – June 21 2024

  • Fix: product save was giving json output
  • Tweak: secured all ajax calls with wp nonce

Version 2.1.23 – June 18 2024

  • Fix: importing group items variations
  • Tweak: importing group items variations now also possible via product edit page manual sync
  • Tweak: disabled review banner
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.0

Version 2.1.22 – June 14 2024

  • Fix: featured image sync now compatible with WordPress 6.5
  • Fix: variation sync via webhook will now create new attribute option if not found in attributes

Version 2.1.21 – June 5 2024

  • Fix: simple products import via cron
  • Fix: disable product sync now also applies to changes made via the app
  • Tweak: improved pagination of products import
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9

Version 2.1.20 – May 31 2024

  • Fix: variation import of existing parent product via cron
  • Fix: zoho inventory salesorder url on orders listing is restored
  • Fix: dismiss review banner
  • Fix: disable product sync to zoho restored
  • Fix: disable stock sync restored
  • Tweak: zoho image import fail will no longer break sync of rest of category
  • Tweak: zoho image name must be unique when changed for existing item

Version 2.1.19 – May 29 2024

  • Fix: warehouse stock sync
  • Fix: group items import
  • Fix: brand import of group items
  • Tweak: order prefix will be empty if not set
  • Tweak: featured image of first variation will now be featured image of parent variable product

Version 2.1.18 – May 14 2024

  • Fix: webhook sync of simple items
  • Fix: manual item sync from woo to zoho – now secure with nonce
  • New: added Zoho Purchase Price as Cost Price as product meta

Version 2.1.17 – May 8 2024

  • Fix: duplication of images
  • Tweak: zoho api domain updated to zohoapis
  • Tweak: removed standard purchase price for variations
  • Revert: tax mapping (now as optional)

Version 2.1.16 – April 27 2024

  • Fix: featured image import of Zoho Inventory product
  • Fix: group items import of Zoho Inventory
  • Fix: order status draft for Zoho Inventory
  • Fix: product description import of Zoho Inventory

Version 2.1.15 – April 18 2024

  • New: product brands taxonomy
  • Fix: custom fields of products
  • Reverted: shipping charge tax
  • Compatible with WooCommerce 8.8

Version 2.1.14 – April 9 2024

  • Fix: address update for existing customers of Zoho Inventory
  • Removed: shipping charge tax

Version 2.1.13 – April 3 2024

  • Fix: order sync
  • Fix: orders with coupon sync
  • Removed: tax mapping – no longer required by zoho api

Version 2.1.12 – April 1 2024

  • Removed: package sync – as its now part of Sales Order Cycle in Zoho
  • Fix: remove ‘deleted product’ from dB cache in order to resync
  • Fix: webhook changes reverted

Version 2.1.11 – March 29 2024

  • Fix: PHP 8.x improved compatibility

Version 2.1.10 – March 27 2024

  • Fix: PHP 8 error
  • Fix: simple items import
  • Fix: only run cronjob if zoho is connected

Version 2.1.9 – March 25 2024

  • Fix: first time stock update via inventory adjustment
  • Fix: child items of bundles not added
  • Fix: cronjob not updating variations
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.7 verified

Version 2.1.8 – March 20 2024

  • New: customer import with cron option
  • New: support for Advanced Coupons plugin – customer credit
  • Fix: image import
  • Fix: order sync

Version 2.1.7 – March 13 2024

  • Fix: checkout fields readonly conflict
  • Fix: cronjob adjustment not working
  • Fix: package sync
  • Fix: composite items import

Version 2.1.6 – March 7th 2024

  • New: connect Zoho Inventory to Exact Online
  • Fix: toggle save options

Version 2.1.5 – Februari 29 2024

  • New: Zoho CRM tab to bulk export orders to Zoho CRM
  • Improvement: bulk sync orders to Exact Online in background automatically once a day
  • Fix: Enable auto-generated sales order number for Zoho Inventory
  • Refactored core for
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.6

Version 2.1.4 – Februari 18 2024

  • Fix: webhook sync item status
  • Fix: bulk export orders to Exact Online date range

Version 2.1.3 – Februari 13 2024

  • New: bulk map orders with Exact Online
  • New: bulk export orders to Exact Online
  • Fix: customer mapping on checkout for Zoho Inventory

Version 2.1.2 – Februari 8 2024

  • New: item custom fields via webhook sync
  • Improvement: order with bundle item will now skip its child items
  • Fix: duplication of images import
  • Fix: description will be imported as short description

Version 2.1.1 – Februari 2nd 2024

  • Tweak: restored Item’s custom fields in cron
  • Improvement: purge action scheduler log after a week

Version 2.1.0 – Februari 1 2024

  • New: Exact Online tab for bulk mapping & import items and customers
  • Tweak: improved error handling in case of bad Zoho connection
  • Tweak: improved Zoho order sync by separating customer sync
  • Fix: only import active group items

Version 2.0.11 – January 24 2024

  • Fix: custom fields mapping of orders
  • Fix: unusable connect tab if wrong organisation id entered
  • Improvement: connection with CommerceBird app
  • Improvement: reduced the number of unneccessary webhook triggers to Zoho CRM & Exact Online

Version 2.0.10 – January 16th 2024

  • Fix: cron import simple items
  • Fix: User Interface bugs

Version 2.0.9 – January 15th 2024

  • Fix: custom order fields sync – requires label now instead of ID
  • Tweak: migration to preparation

Version 2.0.8 – January 11th 2024

  • Fix: product create via webhook

Version 2.0.7 – January 9th 2024

  • Fix: featured image import
  • Fix: webhook item sync
  • Tweak: Imagick module no longer required for image import

Version 2.0.6 – January 7th 2024

  • Tweak: orders sync now via Action Scheduler
  • Fix: stock items import
  • Compatible with WooCommerce 8.5

Version 2.0.5 – December 27th 2023

  • Fix: import group items

Version 2.0.4 – December 17th 2023

  • Fix: import items “invalid sku” error
  • Fix: import item image

Version 2.0.3 – December 6th 2023

  • Fix: Webhooks sync
  • Tweak: added warning for missing Imagick library

Version 2.0.2 – November 30 2023

  • Fixed Cronjob

Version 2.0.1 – November 24th 2023

  • New: image comparison for zoho item to avoid duplication
  • Tweak: refactored frontend sync to zoho inventory
  • Fix: License key activation

Version 2.0.0 – November 22nd 2023

  • New: Zoho Inventory Integration
  • New: complete rebuild of plugin in Vue.js
  • Tweak: improved CORS support
  • Tweak: PHP 8.1 support
  • Compatibility added for WooCommerce 8.3

Version 1.0.4 – September 6th 2023

  • New: timezone support for order timestamp
  • Fix: date formatting on settings page

Version 1.0.3 – April 18th 2023

  • Fix: fatal error conflict with Yith plugins

Version 1.0.2 – April 17th 2023

  • Fix: conflicts with some plugins
  • Tweak: saving settings will show confirmation
  • Improvement: support for WordPress 6.2

Version 1.0.1 – April 3rd 2023

  • New: changelog widget
  • Fix: mobile ui

version 1.0.0 – April 1st 2023

  • initial release