Pricing Plan

Simply choose the pricing plan that fits you best


Best for personal and basic needs.


for always


Manage Orders, Refunds and Customers.


Basic analytics systems management for your websites.

Products Blaze Editor

Create & Edit Products Blazingly fast with the most intuitive Woo Product Editor.

But also…

Free iOS/Andorid App & Free live Push Notifications!


Most Popular

Best for power user


per store/mo,
billed monthly

All from Free + Business System

Use the app for offline payments without additional fees!

Purchase Orders

Directly connected to your Woo Store and to your favourite accounting system.

Products Blaze+

Support for Product Bundles and Subscription types.

POS Lite

Accept in-store cash or terminal payments (soon)


Connect your store to Zoho CRM, Zoho Inventory, Exact Online for 2-way sync.

No credit card needed


Best for growing businesses


per store/mo,
billed monthly

All from Business + Premium System

Use the app for offline payments without additional fees!

Smart A.I. Assist

Ask ChatGPT on how to improve your store performance (soon).

Products Blaze+

Support for Product Bundles and Subscription types.


Accept in-store cash or terminal payments (soon)

Integrations +

Advanced Features of our battle-tested integrations!

Beta features

Get new features earlier than others

No credit card needed


Perfect for enterprises and companies.

Everything from Business +

The most powerful features that you need in your projects

Single Sign-On

Make a custom white-label login system for your sites

Dedicated Account Manager

To understands your needs at all time, proactively.

Custom Integrations

Our experienced team can connect CommerceBird to your backbone software like SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce and more with ease.


Best for personal and basic needs.


for always


Manage Orders, Refunds and Customers.


Basic analytics systems management for your websites.

Products Blaze Editor

Create & Edit Products Blazingly fast with the most intuitive Woo Product Editor.

But also…

Free iOS/Andorid App & Free live Push Notifications!


Save 25%

Best for power user

$240 180

per store/year,
billed annually

All from Free + Business System

Use the app for offline payments without additional fees!

Purchase Orders

Directly connected to your Woo Store and to your favourite accounting system.

Products Blaze+

Support for Product Bundles and Subscription types.

POS Lite

Accept in-store cash or terminal payments (soon)


Connect your store to Zoho CRM, Zoho Inventory, Exact Online for 2-way sync.

No credit card needed


Save 25%

Best for growing businesses

$360 270

per store/year,
billed annually

All from Business + Premium System

Use the app for offline payments without additional fees!

Smart A.I. Assist

Ask ChatGPT on how to improve your store performance (soon).

Products Blaze+

Support for Product Bundles and Subscription types.


Accept in-store cash or terminal payments (soon)

Integrations +

Connect your store to Zoho CRM, Zoho Inventory, Exact Online for 2-way sync.

Beta features

Get new features earlier than others

No credit card needed


Perfect for enterprises and companies.

Everything from Business +

The most powerful features that you need in your projects

Single Sign-On

Make a custom white-label login system for your sites

Dedicated Account Manager

To understands your needs at all time, proactively.

Custom Integrations

Our experienced team can connect CommerceBird to your backbone software like SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce and more with ease.

Can I upgrade my subscription?

Absolutely! Upgrading your subscription plan
with us is easy. Simply log into your
account, navigate to the Subscription section and click on Upgrade button

What are the Premium integrations features?

Zoho Inventory: Real-time Items Sync, Pricelist Import, Composite items import.
Zoho CRM: custom fields mapping.
Exact Online: Orders Sync, Bank Account sync.

Is CommerceBird in real-time?

Yes. CommerceBird is connected in real-time to your store for all activities: Orders management, Product editing, Stock changes, Purchase Orders, CRM and more.

What is your refund period?

Since we offer a 14-days free trial, our refund policy is non refundable.

Do you have a native app?

Absolutely! Simply search for “CommerceBird” in your iOS app store or Google Play store.

Where can I submit a feature request?

We love to hear your feedback and wishes. Please submit your request here.

More than 1,000+ Store Owners went before you

We only build quality software with our 10 year track record in WooCommerce Apps, Plugins and Themes.


Based on customer reviews.